Day 1
Distance 200 yards
Position Kneeling or standing
No. of Shots 2 sighting shots & 5 to count
Targets 1 x Fig 12 or equivalent
Scoring 5 for hits within the 30 cm circle, remainder 4
Timing 1 exposure of 30 seconds
HPS 25
1. Competitors will fix bayonets and then have 2 minutes to fire 2 sighting shots from any position, each shot to be individually marked back. On completion of the sighting shots, competitors will be ordered to load
with 5 rounds, make ready with safety catches applied, and adopt the standing or kneeling position. Wait for command ‘Watch and shoot’.
2. On appearance of the target, competitors will release safety catches and fire 5 rounds within the allotted time.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 25 seconds.
Distance 200 yards
Position Standing
No. of Shots 5 to count
Targets 1 x Fig 12 or equivalent
Scoring 5 and 4 (as per Practice 1)
Timing 5 exposures of 5 seconds
HPS 25
1. Competitors will be ordered to fix bayonets, load with 5 rounds, make ready, apply safety catches, and adopt
the standing alert position (rifle in the shoulder, pointing down at 45 degrees). Wait for command ‘Watch
and shoot’.
2. Targets will make 5 exposures of 5 seconds each, with 5 seconds away. One round to be fired at each
exposure, with a return to the standing alert position between exposures.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
Distance 200 yards
Position Prone
No. of shots 10 to count
Targets 1 x DP2 or equivalent
Scoring 5 for hits within 30 cm circle, remainder 4
Timing 10 exposures of 3 seconds
HPS 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to adopt the prone position, load with 10 rounds and make ready. Wait for
command ‘Watch and shoot’.
2. Targets will make 10 exposures of 3 seconds each, with an away time of 5 seconds, over a 6ft frontage. One
round to be fired at eachexposure.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
The Transcontinental Rifle Association
Day 2
Distance 200 yards
Position Sitting, kneeling or squatting
No. of Shots 10 to count
Targets 1 x DP2 or equivalent
Scoring 5 and 4 (as per Practice 3)
Timing 1 exposure of 45 seconds
HPS 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to adopt the sitting, kneeling or squatting position, load with 10 rounds, and make
ready with safety catches applied. Wait for command ‘Watch and shoot’.
2. On appearance of the targets, competitors will release safety catches and fire 10 shots. No additional time
will be allowed to re-load.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
Distance 200 yards
Position Prone
No. of Shots 2 sighting shots and 10 to count
Targets 1 x DP2 or equivalent
Scoring 5 and 4 (as per Practice 3)
Timing 1 exposure of 70 seconds
HPS 50
1. Competitors will have 2 minutes to fire 2 sighting shots from the prone position, each shot to be individually
marked back. On completion of the sighting shots, competitors will be ordered to load with 5 rounds, make
ready and apply safety catches, then adopt the standing alert position. Wait for command ‘Watch out’.
2. On appearance of the targets, competitors will adopt the prone position, release safety catches and fire 5
rounds, reload with a further 5 rounds, and fire these (total 10).
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds
Distance 200 yards
Position Prone
No. of Shots 10 to count
Targets 1 x DP2 or equivalent
Scoring 5 and 4 (as per Practice 3)
Timing 10 exposures of 3 seconds
HPS 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to load with 10 rounds, make ready and apply safety catches, then adopt the
standing alert position. Wait for command ‘Watch out’.
2. Targets will make 1 exposure of 15 seconds: competitors assume the prone position, release safety catches, and
fire 2 rounds.
3. Targets will make 4 further exposures of 3 seconds each, with irregular away times, over a frontage of 6ft. Fire 1
round at each exposure.
4. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
Match HPS = 250
Ties will be counted out in the order Practice 6, then 5, 3, 2, 4, 1.